The Directorate for International Relations and the Francophone World or DRIF (Direction des Relations Internationales et de la Francophonie), located in the IONESCO building (I), will be your main contact for any administrative issues and will support you throughout your studies.

Sometimes you will need to contact the component you belong to directly. UPV has 6 faculties, known as UFR (Unité de Formation et de Recherche), and one institute:

  • UFR1: faculty of letters, arts, philosophy, psychoanalysis
  • UFR2: faculty of foreign and regional languages and cultures
  • UFR3: faculty of human and environmental sciences
  • UFR4: faculty of social sciences, organisations and institutions
  • UFR5: faculty of sciences of subject and society
  • UFR6: faculty of education and sciences for literature, languages, arts, human and social sciences (LLASHS)
  • ITIC: institute of information and communication technosciences

The start date of the 2022-2023 academic year is 12 September 2022. Induction for new baccalaureate holders (secondary school graduates) and those enrolling for the first time will be held from 5 to 9 September 2022.

This calendar, which you can download here (, sets out instructional, exam, and vacation periods, as well as the start and end dates for the academic year.

Most European Union countries have adopted the three-tier Bachelor (Licence)-Master-Doctorate (LMD) system of higher education. This system was organised to establish degree equivalency and recognition between countries and has facilitated student mobility within Europe and around the world.

LMD degrees are contingent on the validation of ECTS credits (European Credits Transfer System). Each semester counts as 30 ECTS, which can be capitalised and transferred from one country to another.

For more information, click on (

Course regulations, voted by the University Life and Studies Council or CEVU (Conseil des Études et de la Vie Universitaire), apply to all UPV users and define the framework within which studies and assessment methods are organised.

It is your responsibility to read them on arrival (èglement-des-études).

Assessment methods or MCC (Modalités du Contrôle des Connaissances) describe the means by which students are assessed. They indicate in particular:

  • Type of assessment
  • Nature of exam (written, oral, practical assignment, etc.)
  • Description of exam
  • Duration of exam
  • Coefficient of exam

MCC are specific to each component and can be consulted here (églementation-des-études/mcc).

Your administrative enrolment or AI (Inscription Administrative) will be conducted by the DRIF, and more specifically by the service to which you belong (supervised mobility, individual mobility, IEFE). Once you’ve enrolled, you will receive a certificate of school enrolment (certificat de scolarité), a multi-purpose student card, and informative literature.

You will be given a temporary login and password to validate your digital workspace or ENT (Environnement Numérique de Travail): This will allow you to consult your university file, your grade transcripts, and your certificate of school enrolment. You will also have an institutional email address to which any information from the administration or your professors will be sent.

If you have problems connecting to ENT, have a look at the tutorials in the section My ENT on Student life web page.

The pedagogical component of enrolment or IP (Inscription Pédagogique) corresponds to registering for classes and exams. This is mandatory. If you are covered by the Erasmus service, this will be done for you. If you are not, you will have to complete your IP directly on your ENT.

Make sure you do this before the cut-off date. No IP will be possible after this date.

Last updated : 21/02/2024