In CROUS university cafeterias and restaurants
In the heart of various study locations, CROUS university cafeterias and restaurants offer fast food at low prices. Location, opening hours, contacts, menus... Find all the useful information you need about the various catering outlets (Resto U', Cafet' and brasserie) on the crous website. List of university cafeterias and restaurants in Montpellier:
Payment options: The IZLY card is the preferred method of payment in cafeterias and Resto U'. Payment by bank card is still available in some cafeterias on presentation of proof of school attendance. You can top up your card or check your balance on your IZLY account or on the application. You can also top up your card by credit card or in cash at the Vert-bois, Boutonnet, Triolet and Richter canteens, Monday to Friday, 11:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Please note: they do not give change). The Crous Mobile app : In addition to information on accommodation, employment, news and other Crous services, the "Crous Mobile" application lets you locate the various catering outlets around you, along with opening times and menus. |
Scattered throughout MontpellierThe student card entitles the holder to discounts in many restaurants around the city, particularly those along the rue du Val de Montferrand and rue du Major Flandre, close to the Route de Mende campus. For other relevant addresses, click here: |
Last updated : 21/02/2024