
Over 100 annual events are organised by the University Cultural Centre (CCU), for PVU students and staff and the general public. More than 16,000 people attended or participated in these events in 2016.

Screenings, exhibitions, performances, concerts, lectures, conferences, workshop presentations or festivals such as the young student creation festival in the spring, punctuate the course of the academic year.

Information given via the CCU letter and the Cultural Centre Angenda.


Where are we? Information


Cultural Centre 

Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University,
Route de Mende
34199 Montpellier Cedex 5

DirectorNicolas Dubourg
Offices – building H – 1st floor – 101 to 107

From Monday to Friday, 12pm to 2pm
T. 04 67 14 55 98 -


The team

La Vignette Theatre team, in charge of the CCU cultural season


Museum Team

Last updated : 18/12/2023