The University is regularly awarded labels and certificates attesting to our history, environmental action or the quality of our courses. Here is a list to date:
"20th century Architectural Heritage" label

Since 2011, the architectural ensemble of the campus has borne the "20th century Architectural Heritage" label. The label was created in 1999 by the Ministry of Culture and Communication as part of a series of actions to protect and promote the century’s architectural and urban heritage.
SD&SR label (Sustainable development and societal responsibility) 2019-2023

The “SD&SR” labelling scheme, follows article 55 of the French Environmental Plan 1. Issued for four years, the SD&SR label offers national and international promotion of the sustainable development and societal responsibility initiatives of higher education and research centres, at the best benefit / cost ratio, while fostering skill development within the organisations involved.
“Welcome to France” label, for quality of hospitality offered to international students (2020-2024)

As part of a global quality approach for higher education facilities, the "Welcome to France" label is awarded for the implementation and promotion of quality hospitality improvement systems for international students. Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University meets the label's criteria, including the quality and accessibility of information, reception facilities and courses, as well as the quality of campus life and post-graduate support for international students. The label is issued for 4 years by Campus France and validated by an independent commission. Campus France is a public body, responsible for promoting French higher education facilities abroad and hosting foreign students and researchers in France.
"FFL Quality" label (French as a Foreign Language Quality) awarded to the IEFE

For the fourth time in a row, the University Institute for French as a Foreign Language (IEFE) has been awarded the "FFL Quality" label.
Created by decree in 2007 by the Ministries of Higher Education, National Education, Culture and European and Foreign Affairs, the label identifies, recognises and promotes French as a foreign language training centres, for their quality language training services.
Certif’Région quality label awarded to the SUFCO for a three-year period (2018-2020)

Awarded by the Region and recognised by the key funding authorities, organisations and professional training bodies in Occitanie, the label discerns and certifies the quality of professional training in lifelong training centres.
Collex / Persée label awarded to the BIU "Circus Arts" fund (2018 - 2025)

The Circus Arts Fund and the Italian Medieval Studies Fund of the Inter-university Library have been awarded the CollEx (Collection of Excellence) label by the Ministry of Education and Research for a collection of over 2,000 circus-related works, 2,000 journals and several hundred objects. The label identifies remarkable collections in higher education facilities.
CLES certification awarded to the Foreign and Regional Languages Centre (UFR 2)

The Higher Education Certificate of Language Skills (CLES) is accredited by the Ministry of National Education and backed by the Common European Reference for Languages Framework. The certification allows the higher education organisation to assess a students' operational communication skills in several languages.
Erasmus Mundus label 2014 awarded to Master MIM (UFR 4)

Master MIM (master in Inter-Mediterranean Migrations) was awarded the prestigious Erasmus+ label, by the EU executive agency for "Education, audio-visual and culture" (EACEA).
"Reference HR" network accreditation for Master MISRH (UFR 4)

The Master 2 Human Resources Management, International and Strategic HR Management course at UFR 4 has been accredited by the HR reference network since 2008. This recognition guarantees the excellence of postgraduate training in human resource management.
APERAU label awarded to the Master in Urbanism and Planning (UFR 3)
The label of the Association for the promotion of training and research in urbanism and planning (APERAU), partner of the university network and member of the University Agency of Francophonie (AUF), awards the quality of the Master in Urbanism and Planning course, entitled "Urbanism and territorial projects".
Imprim’Vert® label for the Printing department (DMG)

Obtained in 2018, the Imprim’Vert® label promotes implementation by companies or organisations with a printing activity, of actions and procedures to reduce the harmful environmental impacts of printing.
LPO label awarded to building "O"

The new "O" building has been awarded the LPO (Bird Protection League) label, for biodiversity-friendly design and development and protection of parks and gardens.
NoctamBU+ label awarded to the Ramon Llull Letters and Human Sciences UB

As part of the “Open Libraries +” plan, this label awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, highlights the quality, hospitality and services of university libraries, in particular through actions such as extended opening hours in the evenings, or during weekends and university holidays.
"Territoire French Impact" label for social innovation awarded to Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University (ARTDEV - UFR 3)

Paul-Valéry University, under the banner of UFR3's ARTDEV Mixed Research Unit (Stakeholders, resources and territories for development), was part of the group which applied for the local ecosystems in social innovation programme label, for Eastern Occitanie: the group was awarded the “French Impact Territory” label for social innovation. Recognized by the law of July 31, 2014, the Social Economy (ESS) includes a set of organisations from the social economy sector.