Our Erasmus+ agreements

Paul Valéry University has developed its cooperation in Europe thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, in which it has been participating since 1987! These agreements provide mobility opportunities for our students and staff!


Paul Valéry University has more than 350 Erasmus+ agreements active with partners over 27 countries participating in the programme!

You can find all existing agreements by consulting the lists available for our students per UFR (faculty) or by the  Map of Agreements.

Consult the procedure for creating and managing Erasmus+ agreements.


The "Erasmus+ International Credits Mobility"  (ICM) is a programme between Erasmus+ country members and programme partners outside Europe.

As part of this programme, we offer mobility for study, internship, teaching and training to and from the destinations below.

This program is the subject of an annual application proposed by the ‘Direction des Relations Internationales et de la Francophonie’, supported by the different components of the university.

List of current ICM partnerships:

Montenegro (valid until end of July, 2027) :

University of Monténégro :

  • Partnership open with the ITIC department
    • EQF6 : Langage Sciences
    • EQF7 : Langage Sciences, French as Foreign Langage, Humanities
  • Project coordinator : Ksénija LEONARD (ITIC - Langage Sciences Dpt.)

Kosovo (valid until end of July, 2025) :

University of Pristina :

  • Partnership open with the ITIC department
    • EQF6 : Langage Sciences
    • EQF7 : Langage Sciences, French as Foreign Langage, Humanities
  • Project coordinator : Ksénija LEONARD (ITIC - Langage Sciences Dpt.)

Armenia (valid until end of July, 2027) :

Yerevan State University :

  • Partnership open with the Modern Letters, Langage Sciences, History and English/Russian Langage and Literature departments
  • Project coordinators :
    • Marie-Anna CHEVALIER (UFR3 - History Dpt.)
    • Rachel DARMON (UFR1 - Modern Letters Dpt.)
    • Carmen ALEN-GARABATO (ITIC - Langage Sciences Dpt.)
    • Patricia DORVAL (UFR2- English/Russian Dpt.)

Yerevan Brusov State University :

  • Partnership open with the Modern Letters, Langage Sciences, History and English/Russian Langage and Literature departments
  • Project coordinators :
    • Marie-Anna CHEVALIER (UFR3 - History Dpt.)
    • Rachel DARMON (UFR1 - Modern Letters Dpt.)
    • Carmen ALEN-GARABATO (ITIC - Langage Sciences Dpt.)
    • Patricia DORVAL (UFR2- English/Russian Dpt.)

Georgia (valid until end of July, 2027) :

Ilia State University :

  • Partnership open to all departments of the University
  • Project coordinators :
    • Carmen ALEN-GARABATO (ITIC - Langage Sciences Dpt.)
    • Rachel DARMON (UFR1 - Modern Letters Dpt.)
    • Patricia DORVAL (UFR 2 - English LEA/Langage and Literature Dpt.)
    • Isabelle AUGÉ (UFR3 - History Dpt./Others)

L.E.P.L Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Art

  • Partnership open with Plastic Arts, Cinema, New Medias departments
  • Project coordinators :
    • Antoine VERDIER (UFR1 - Plastic Arts Dpt.)
    • Guillaume BOULANGER (UFR1 - Cinema Dpt.)

Ilia State University :

  • Partnership open with Arts, Modern Letters, Psychology, English LEA/Langage and Literature departments
  • Project coordinators :
    • Carmen ALEN-GARABATO (ITIC - Langage Sciences Dpt.)
    • Rachel DARMON (UFR1 - Modern Letters Dpt.)
    • Patricia DORVAL (UFR 2 - English LEA/Langage and Literature Dpt.)
    • Isabelle AUGÉ (UFR3 - History Dpt./Others)

Lebanon (valid until end of July, 2027)

Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ)

  • Partnership open with the Cinema  department
  • Project coordinator : Guillaume BOULANGER (UFR1 - Cinema Dpt.)

Uzbekistan (valid until end of July, 2027)

Samarkand State University (SSU)

  • Partnership open with the  History, History of Art and Archaeology, Geography and Language Sciences departments
  • Project coordinators:
    •  Carmen ALEN-GARABATO (ITIC - Language Sciences Dept.)
    •  Pascal CHEVALIER (UFR3 - Geography)
    • Vincent CHALLET (UFR3 - History)
    •  Jean-François PINCHON (UFR3 - History of Art and Archaeology)

Samarkand Institute of Foreign Languages (SamSIFL)

  • Partnership open with the Language Sciences department.
  • Project coordinator: Carmen ALEN-GARABATO (ITIC - Language Sciences Dept.)
Last updated : 03/10/2024