- Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University (UPVM3) is reputed for its work in the fields of LLA and SHS. PVU’s scientific activity is developed through 19 research units (including 3 CNRS UMR, one CNRS and CIRAD UMR and 1 IRD UMR), all part of 3 PhD schools (one under joint authority). Alongside these structures, there is a LABEX (ArcHiMedE) , run by the University and specialised in archaeology, as well as a Foundation for Egyptology, and the LabEx CeMEB Mediterranean Centre for the Environment and Biodiversity). The University hosts some 700 researchers , professor-researchers and as many PhD students. The University offers Master and PhD courses in many areas, from history to fine arts, linguistics, sociology, geography, psychology, classical and modern philology, information and communication sciences, as well as languages, letters and foreign civilisations...and much more. The University has developed a reputation for excellence in some of these fields, promoting specialities which are little represented nationally.
- The PVUM3 research sector works with local and regional partners, within the COMUE (MSH, PhD School, several joint authorities, scientific and institutional projects, etc.), but also at the Occitanie Region scale, where our research units work closely with Perpignan Via Domitia University and Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University. PVU also enjoys special relations with Montpellier National Architecture School, the Superior Fine Arts School of Nîmes, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and the Occitanie Region. PVU also enjoys many successful international partnerships.
- As a University of art and culture, oriented towards the human and social sciences, PVU has a scientific policy based on two key priorities (digital humanities and ethics), which steer production towards contemporary issues, without neglecting long-term vision. Most of our teams work on the Saint-Charles site, which also hosts the Montpellier Centre of Human Sciences, a Research Federation, and close partner. Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University research is backed by the Research and PhD Study Department. In this way, PVU works to fulfil the objective of social benefit of LLA and SHS, central to its project.
- LLA and SHS research work, plays a vital role in gaining a better understanding of our society and its development, and in providing answers for civil society expectations in the face of today’s great challenges, in terms of natural and societal risks, sustainable development, as well as participative and consultative democracy, amongst other issues. Paul-Valéry University also decided to develop the Mediterranean University Press, thus contributing to the dissemination of the work of local researchers, or researchers from other French or foreign universities. PVU is also strongly committed to transferring knowledge to the socio-economic sector, particularly through a close partnership with the Technology Transfer Acceleration Society, of which the University is a shareholder (AxLR), or the innovation and business creation ecosystem, the regional incubator network (Languedoc Roussillon Incubation, Alter’Incub, Réalis, Synersud), Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole BIC and the FrenchTech of Montpellier and Occitanie Region.
- The Sustainable Development & Societal Responsibility mission, implements Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University’s political commitment to engage in an ambitious Sustainable Development and energy transition initiative. PVU considers that it is essential to render this action and engagement visible via a dedicated structure. To fulfil its mission in coordination with national legislation (Grenelle 1 law, Green plan- 2009*), the Sustainable Development mission provides coordination and support for University departments, ensures expertise and regulatory monitoring, maintains permanent contact with institutions, identifies Sustainable Development & SR projects and action, and produces specific related documents.
The University is not only a place of learning, but also a place of work. The mission’s action extends into courses and study, research, international outreach and campus life, as a whole.
Last updated : 06/12/2023