Student life is all about juggling study, home life, leisure activities, student jobs, family life and festivities...and can be pretty exhausting!
Let the Student Life Department make things easier... Let our campus support services take the strain:
- Meals:
There is a weekly ORGANIC Market in the alley of the MDE. Tomate et Potiron is there on Tuesday, 12pm to 6pm, and Thursday, 2pm to 5pm.
The solidaribus.
A bus where students can find assistance and support: meals, social, administrative, cultural... A place to meet up, chat and share!
Backed by the NGO Secours Pop, the Solidaribus is there every Wednesday from 2pm to 5pm, between buildings D and C.
For your information, The CROUS organises meal services on Paul Va campus and the Saint-Charles site.
For further information
- Personal care:
The SUMPPS, a preventive medicine service, is open to campus users: help service, information, prevention, health education, healthcare, assistance and support in case of emergency... An appointment can be made here with a social worker .
Individual appointments or collective workshops! Take a welcome break and relax... Rest, breathe, be mindful, recharge the batteries, let the pressure out, manage stress and emotions, learn to sleep better...
Would you like to know more? Discover sophrology? Further information
For your information, with the COMUE, a University Health Care Centre is open from Monday to Friday. To see a GP, a gynaecologist, for psychological support or nursing care, etc. Just show your student card, social security card and complementary health certificate, for 100% coverage!
- Equipment:
Great IT deals, from free material to maintenance with the GNU . Go to room 103 in the MDE!
- Information, guidance, integration:
For your information, the SCUIO offers career guidance assessments, individual appointments with career guidance officers, CV workshops, and so much more!
- Accommodation:
Along with private accommodation, the CROUS offers a range of accommodation solutions!
For further information
- Multi-service open room, MDE:
FROM 07 OCTOBER, Mondays, from 10am to 1pm
In February : Monday 03 and Mondat 24
Giving support to a young person with AFEV means...
What? Providing support and tailored monitoring care for a child, in accordance with his/her needs and wishes.
FOR WHOM? Underprivileged youth and children, from primary to high school.
WHERE? At the child’s home, in underprivileged neighbourhoods.
WHEN? Two hours per week, throughout the year, in accordance with your agenda.
Become a volunteer!
SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT against social inequality in underprivileged areas.
A USEFUL EXPERIENCE in your student and professional journey.
Student info service:
FROM 07 October, Mondays and Thursdays, 1pm to 4pm
Problems with the landlord? Having difficulty finding your way out of the administrative maze? Questions about the rights and duties of citizenship?
Come and meet our new civic service volunteer, Laura Veziand!
Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University has a civic service officer on hand for students. The objective of the mission is to promote access to legal matters, while providing information on rights and duties of citizenship and first-step support for administrative and civic procedures. Drop in on Mondays and Thursdays!
FROM 11 OCTOBRE, on Fridays, 9am to 2pm
For more than 20 years, Animafac Montpellier has been providing support for student projects. The Anima network provides support for running an association: cash flow, teamwork, communication... Do drop in and meet the team!
FROM 09 OCTOBER, on Wednesdays, 2pm to 6pm
International students, come and meet the ESN team! Tips, suggestions and ideas of places to go...
Last updated : 18/12/2023