Paul-Valéry University has been working to promote an active policy for equality and diversity for over 15 years now. The mission, supported by the European Social Fund from 2002 to 2005, is now an integral administrative department within the University. The department’s policy has developed a social approach, encompassing the fight against discrimination. Universities today are legally obliged to promote diversity and gender equality.
The objective of Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University’s Equality mission is to combat discrimination based on gender, race or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation. On campus, the objective is to promote good community relations. Off campus, the University aims to provide solutions through research, to the questions of inequality, and to educate future citizens and professionals, to be open to the world and diversity, actively combating all forms of discrimination.
The action combines with that of the higher education and research ministry’s network of equality representatives the CPED (Permanent Conference of Equality-Diversity representatives from higher education and research institutes).
Contact the Equality Mission:
Christa Dumas or 04 67 14 54 29