Welcome to Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University!
With several hundred Erasmus+ agreements, our University departments host over 400 Erasmus+ students each year.
Find a list of our Erasmus+ partner universities on our interactive map: https://paulvalery.adv-pub.moveon4.de/etudiants/
Promoting and fostering mobility is a key EU priority in the field of higher education. Paul Valéry University, signatory to the Erasmus Charter, aims to ensure that students integrate one or more mobility periods into their studies.
At Paul-Valéry, Erasmus+ students may follow a multidisciplinary programme: i.e. choose courses from all university departments.
* Some restrictions are nonetheless indicated on the website of each department, especially at Master level, so students should check conditions of access to courses.
► To find practical information on the Erasmus+ programme at Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, you can read our Erasmus+ fact sheet in the 'factsheets' section in the left sidebar of the page Application via programme or agreement.
Applying for an Erasmus+ mobility at Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (UPVM3)
- You must be regularly enrolled in your home institution for the year during which you have been selected for the mobility AND for the year of your mobility.
- An Erasmus+ agreement must exist between your home university and UPVM3, and it must involve the field of study on which you depend. To check the existence of an agreement, you refer to the list of our Erasmus+ agreements through the link provided at the beginning of this web page.
- Your university must have officially nominated you and have informed our office, otherwise we will not be able to accept your application.
Applying at UPVM3:
- Once your home university has officially nominated you to study in UPVM3, you will need to complete an application form via the MoveOn platform and provide the following documents:
- MoveOn form, duly completed and submitted
- Copy of your passport or identifiy card, valid for the duration of your stay
- French language B1 proficiency certificate, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) - B1 level is the minimum level required (certificate dating less than 3 years)
- Last Transcript of Records
- Learning Agreement
- European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
- UPVM administrative registration form (downloadable of the MoveOn platform)
- Application for an accommodation in a university hall of residence, if needed (downloadable of the MoveOn platform)
IMPORTANT: If you are nominated in a Department with which your university does not have an ongoing Erasmus+ agreement, the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator will be susceptible to refuse your application.
Some questions are not handled by our office, for example: check with your bank if you will need to have open a bank account upon arrival, or if they do not charge fees for cash withdrawls and payments by credit card in France.
- Complete your Learning Agreement
- You can consult our list of Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators
- To have this document signed, you have two options:
- Use the paper version provided by your institution or use this template
- Use the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) platform, using our guide by following this link
As the United Kingdom no longer participates in the Erasmus+ programme, british students do not have access to OLA. Please contact your International Relations office if your home institution to collect the document you will have to use to list your courses.
IMPORTANT: To help you complete your Learning Agreement, you can refer to our Courses Guides, and you will have to choose at least 75% of your courses in the Department in which you have been nominated.
- Get familiar with the academic calendar available on the university's website
- Get to know how the French grading system is designed (see our information sheet)
- Apart from accommodation in the universitay halls of residence, you can find a place to stay in the private sector. In this case, the procedures and sollicitations are entirely at your expense (non-exhaustive list of accommodation solutions and useful links to help you find an accommodation)
- Subscribe to a repatriation insurance (highly recommended)
☞ You must absolutely purchase this insurance before your arrival in Montpellier - Register for Social Security
☞ You must register to the French Social Security services by choosing one of the options below:- European Health Insurance Card EHIC / GHIC for UK students
- Unlimited private insurance (a certificate in French or English will have to be provided)
- Complementary health insurance ("mutuelle") is optional.
IMPORTANT: In France, medical coverage is compulsory for all students and its period of validity must cover the whole duration of your stay in France.
Private insurance must be unlimited (without any limitation on coverage) and universal (valid for all medical acts, in or out of hospitals and for all physical, psychological and psychiatric illnesses). Students whose insurance does not mention unlimited and universal coverage are advised to register for Social Security in France (free of charge), to fill in the information and submit the supporting documents on the dedicated website: https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr
➡ For all the important information, read our PDF
Our office will assist you for every administrative aspect of your mobility, and your Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator will assist you for all educational aspects.
- Welcome Meetings are held at the beginning of each semester to explain in detail the procedures you will need to follow to register for courses and exams, to get to know our campus and all the services available, etc. :
- For the 1st semester: meeting in September
- For the 2nd semester: meeting in January
- Have your Certificate of Attendance signed upon arrival by giving it to our office:
- Either by using document provided by your home university
- Either by using the model that you can download by following this link
- Make sure that you have a complete and up-to-date Learning Agreement. This document being pedagogical, please contact your Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator to validate and sign it along with all the changes made to it (changes are possible within one week at the beginning of each semester) and provide a copy to our office.
- In case you have an emergency, you will find below the phone numbers to use:
- European emergency number: 112
- Medical emergency: 15
- Police: 17
- Fire department: 18
- Emergency on the Route de Mende campus (theft, assaul, fire, personal assistance):
- Absolute emergency on campus (serious accident, heart attack, etc.): of 112
Your ENT must be activated to access the UPVM email, access online courses, see your marks, etc.
To help you, please watch the tutorials below :
Video - Register of the Digital Workspace (ENT)
Video - Presentation of the Digital Workspace (ENT)
Two networks are available : UM3-PortailWifi and Eduroam.
How to log in :
UM3-PortailWifi: Connect to this network, then launch your browser, enter the address of the website you wish to visit. A page prompting to enter your username and passwork appears. You are then automatically redirected to the requested page.
Eduroam: Click on the Wifi icon in the notification bar (next to the clock), then enter your email / password (from your ENT account) and validate the connection. Educroam is a secure wireless network for the global academic community, if you are already connected in your home institution you can use your usual credential.
Before leaving UPVM3 and returning to your home university:
- Have your Certificate of Attendance signed by our office and send it to your home institution.
- Check your results on your Digital Workspace (ENT): If you agree with your mark, ask for your Transcript of Records, which will be sent by email, your home institution in copy.
Since January 1st 2021, UK students are required to apply for a Long Stay Visa (VLS) to stay in France longer than 90 days.
You can apply for a visa on the France Visas website: https://france-visas.gouv.fr/en_US/web/france-visas/
Make sure you follow the procedure imposed by this consular service, as visa applications are processed in 2 to 15 days upon reception of the applications by the Consulate General of France in London, and you will be required to pay a fee to process your application.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have obtained your Long Stay Visa, you will have to validate it by following this link.
In order to best support our students, the International Relations and Francophonie Directorate set up a partnership with the insurance companies' group HEYME, which specialises in student population insurance.
Thanks to this partnership, you can benefit from all of the services offered by HEYME at preferential rates:
- Home insurance
- Repatriation insurance
- Civil liability
- Complementary health insurance ("mutuelle")
To benefit from the preferential rates of this partnership, please use the following code when contracting with HEYME: UPVM34-10
Visit their website for a more detailed presentation of their services: https://heyme.care/fr