Student mobility, within the framework of inter-university cooperation agreements between Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University and foreign universities, is possible under certain conditions.
In this context, the mobility periods will take place outside of the international programmes mentioned (Erasmus, English-speaking programmes, ISEP, BCI, Middle East).
- Being enrolled in one of the foreign universities that has signed an inter-university cooperation agreement with the UPVM.
- These mobilities are only possible from level L2.
- The inter-university cooperation agreement between your university and the UPVM must include student mobility at the level of study at which you wish to carry out your mobility, and in the field in which you are studying.
The person in charge of mobility between your university and the UPVM must validate your mobility request (see the Learning Agreement)
The person in charge of international mobility in your university must validate your mobility request (see the Learning Agreement)
- Here at UPVM: The iner-university cooperation agreements that UPVM has signed with partner universities do not automatically provide that the enrollment fees are taken in charger, neither that the search for accommodation is included in the agreement.
- Thus, it is important that you are in capacity of supporting the expenses that arise from the mobility during the whole period of stay (travel, accommodation, subsistence - daily meals, enrollment fees, etc.).
★You can consult the list of Inter-University Cooperation Agreements signed by UPVM and its international partners : Map of cooperation agreements including student mobility
Application process:
- The first step which allows to initiate the application process at UPVM is the reception by our office of your official nomination from your home university. At first, you must respect your home university's application procedure.
- Once we receive your nomination, you will receive a email detailing the steps you will have to follow to register at UPVM:
- You will have to fill out your application of the MoveOn platform through the link we will send you, and upload all the required documents
- Among the documents to provide (the list is available below), you will have to complete an Administrative Registration file corresponding to the type of mobility you are applying to.
- To draw up your course programme:
- If you are an exchange student (credit mobility): You must draw up your course programme (or Learning Agreement) with your academic supervisor/coordinator. You may use our "Guide des Cours" to help you.
- If you are a double-degree seeking student: You must follow the programme as it is detailed in the degree curriculum of the degree you are preparing. Please contact your UPVM academic supervisor for any question regarding this matter.
- Reminder of the documents to provide with your application:
- Copy of your passport of ID valid for the whole duration of your stay
- Birth certificate with an official translation in French
- French language proficiency certificate or official test certificate (if you have French nationality, you do not have to provide this document)
- Official copie of your last transcripts of records translated in French + transcript of the first semester on the current academic year
- Copy of the last diploma awarded with a translation in French
- MoveOn application document signed and stamped by your home university
- Certificate of repatriation insurance for non-EU students
- European Health Insurance Card for EU students
- ID photo, at standard ID format
Some questions are not handled by our institution, for instance: check with your bank if you must open a bank account upon arrival, ou if they do not take fees for cash withdrawals and payments by credit card in France.
- Choose you accommodation:
☞ Apart from accommodation in a university hall of residence, you can turn to the private sector. In that case, you are in charge of undertaking all the procedures yourself (non-exhaustive list of accommodation and usefil links to help you find accommodation) - Subscribe to a repatriation insurance
☞ You must absolutely buy this insurance before arriving to Montpellier - Register to the Social Security system
☞ It is compulsory to register for Social Security by choosing one of the two options below:
◌ European Health Insurance Card EHIC (for European student)
◌ Unlimited private insurance (insurance certificate translated in French or English) - Complementary insurance (mutuelle) is optional
Medical coverage is compulsory in France for all students and its validity period must cover the total duration of your stay in France.
Private insurance must be unlimited (without any limitation on coverage) and universal (for all medical acts, in or out of hospitals and for all physical, psychological and psychiatric illnesses).
It is advised to students whose insurance does not mention unlimited and universal to register to French Social Security (it is free of charge), to fill in their information and upload their supporting documents on the dedicated website: https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr
➡ For all the useful information, read our PDF
Visa :
If you are a non-EU student, you will need to apply for a visa at the French Embassy in your country of origin. Our office will provide all the documents that will allow you to finalize your application (certificate of acceptance, etc.).
The validation of your Long-Stay Visa (VLS) will then have to be done online at https://administration-etrangers-en-france.interieur.gouv.fr/particuliers/#/
To proceed to the validation of your visa, you will need to provide your passport with "territory entry stamp", and a credit card (visa, mastercard or CB) OR a previously purchased "tax stamp" (timbre fiscal).
The CVEC (Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus / Student and Campus Life Contribution) must be paid only by double-degree seeking students. It is paid once a year and costs 92€ (2020/21 fee).
To pay the CVEC, please follow this link: https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/
- To draw up your study programme:
- If you are a double-degree seeking student: You must contact your academic coordinator (professor) in order to define with her/him which courses you will be following during your mobility. The general rule states that you must follow strictly the study programme of the degree in which you are enrolled.
- If you are an exchange/credit mobility student: You must also contact your academic coordinator (professor) in order to define your study programme. In this case, you are free to choose courses without following a predefined course plan, but you must choose an average of 75% of the courses in the Department in which you have been nominated by your home university.
A Learning Agreement may be required to formalize your study programme, especially if you benefit from Erasmus+ funding.
- Acknowledge the academic calendar available on the university website
You can also read through our guides on the left hand side of this page to help you find courses. (under construction)
Our office assists you throughout your mobility for all that concerns administrative aspects, and your academic coordinator (professor) for all that concerns pedagogical aspects.
- Welcome meetings are organised at the beginning of every semester to explain in a more detailed manner all the procedures you will have to undertake to register for courses and exams, get to know the campus and the services available, etc.
- For Semester 1: meeting in the month of September
- For Semester 2: meeting in the month of January
- Have your Certificate of Attendance signed by our office as soon as you arrive:
- Either by using the document provided by your home university
- Either by using the template we provide and that you can download by following this link
- If you are in a situation of emergency, you will find below some useful phone numbers:
- European emergency number: 112
- Medical emergency: 15
- Police: 17
- Firefighters: 18
- Emergency on Route de Mende Campus (robbery, assault, fire, assistance):
- Absolute emergency on campus (serious accident, heart attack, etc.): O4. ou 112
Your ENT must be activated to access the UPVM email, access online courses, see your marks, etc.
To help you, please watch the tutorials below :
Two networks are available : UM3-PortailWifi and Eduroam.
How to log in :
UM3-PortailWifi: Connect to this network, then launch your browser, enter the address of the website you wish to visit. A page prompting to enter your username and passwork appears. You are then automatically redirected to the requested page.
Eduroam: Click on the Wifi icon in the notification bar (next to the clock), then enter your email / password (from your ENT account) and validate the connection. Educroam is a secure wireless network for the global academic community, if you are already connected in your home institution you can use your usual credential.
Before leaving UPVM3 and returning to your home university:
- Have your Certificate of Attendance signed by our office and send it to your home institution.
- Check your results on your Digital Workspace (ENT): If you agree with your mark, ask for your Transcript of Records, which will be sent by email, your home institution in copy.
In order to best support our students, the International Relations and Francophonie Directorate has set up a partnership with the insurance companies’ group HEYME, which specialises in student population insurance.
Thanks to this partnership, you can benefit from all of the services offered by HEYME at preferential rates:
- Home insurance
- Repatriation insurance
- Civil liability
- Complementary health insurance ("mutuelle")
To benefit from the preferential rates of this partnership, please use the following code when contracting with HEYME: UPVM34-10
Visit their website for a more detailed presentation of their services: https://heyme.care/fr
If you meet the conditions listed above, you must contact your academic coordinator in your home institution (International Relations Office and/or of the Department where you study)
This person will contact us to define the procedure to be followed and the conditions under which your mobility can take place.
You can also contact your university's International Relations office to find out about all the destinations open to mobility at your university.