The Mediterranean University Press (PULM) is part of Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University’s research department. The PULM’s mission is to promote research production and results. The PULM ensures the entire production process for works, and also disseminates the material.
The PULM’s mission is:
- to ensure production, publication, promotion and dissemination: of the individual work of Montpellier 3 University (and MSH) researchers, the work of Montpellier 3 University (and MSH) Research Teams, the Proceedings of symposia, conferences, workshops and any scientific or cultural event organised by Montpellier 3 University (and MSH).
- to develop production of high-level popularisation works and scientific partnerships, particularly with other research institutes.
- to contribute to increasing Montpellier 3 University outreach, through all types of publication (books, brochures, CD-Roms, multi-media, posters...
Official website:
Director: Celine Paganelli
Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University,
Route de Mende, 34199 Montpellier Cedex 5.
Fax: 04 99 63 69 29
Christine CRESPIN: Administration and finance director: 04 99 63 69 26
Dominique ROUX: Sale of books / Management of subscriptions: 04 99 63 69 25
Sylvie BARTHEZ: Management of the editorial board / Director of Dissemination: 04 99 63 69 24
Vincent VINCLAIRE: Shipment, logistics and stock management: 04 11 75 71 63
Marie-Pierre BOYER: Computer-assisted design management/ CAD/ Graphic design: 04 99 63 69 28
Catherine SAUVEUR: CAD/ Webmaster for the PULM website: 04 99 63 69 28
Christophe LOPEZ: CAD: 04 99 63 69 28
Last updated : 06/12/2023