SmartAL : Sustainable management of Albanian Territories, rural areas and agriculture: Instrument, policies, strategies
Description :
SmartAL is a "Capacity Building" project in the field of higher education (Key Action 2) funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Programme.
This partnership for innovation and experience sharing aims to promote the development of sustainable management of rural territories in Albania, a partner country of the Western Balkans, and more broadly to contribute to the integration process of Albania into the European Union.
SmartAL's main objective is to strengthen the capacities of three Albanian universities through the creation of a level 2 Master's degree that meets the European specifications. Focused on the sustainable management of Albanian territories, rural and agricultural areas through the implementation of instruments, policies and strategies, the final objective is to allow the accreditation of this Master following the Albanian legal framework and European standards (Bologna Process).
Project duration :
3 years (15/10/2017 - 14/10/2020); extension until 14/10/2021
Coordinator :
Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes – Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier, (CIHEAM) France
Partenaires :
- University of Korça “Fan S Noli”, Albanie
- Universität HOHENHEIM, Allemagne
- Universiteti Europian i Tiranës, Albanie
- Agricultural University of Tirana, Albanie
- Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Grèce
- University Paul-Valery Montpellier 3, France
Pr. P. Chevalier (Geography Department), pascal.chevalier@univ-montp3.fr
Pr. M. Dedeire (Geography Department), marc.dedeire@univ-montp3.fr
Associated partners :
Expected results :
- Analysis of the labour market and training needs
- Benchmark of training offers at European level
- Booklet on teaching materials
- Description sheets of the training modules
- Compendium of case studies
- Methodological manual for field studies
- A common methodology for the course evaluation guide
- Database of companies for carrying out placements
- Quality assurance system of the 9 training modules
- Quality control report
- External audit report
For more information: www.smartal.uet.edu.al
Erasmus+ grant agreement no. :
Last updated : 12/12/2023