JE "Recent changes in the field of language change: New approaches to investigate linguistic innovations in English"
Invités : Debra Ziegeler, Alessandro Basile (U. Paris 3), Cameron Morin (Paris) et Marc-Philippe Brunet (Chambéry).
Programme workshop EMMA : Language change and variation in English: Methods and frameworks
11th April 2024, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3, Room 126 (site St Charles) and online
Rue du Professeur Henri Serre, 34090 Montpellier
9:30 AM Welcome drinks and opening
9:45 Eric Mélac (Uni. Paul Valéry), The development of English evidential markers: A case of grammaticalization or constructionalization?
10:45 Debra Ziegeler (Uni. Sorbonne Nouvelle, Uni. Paul Valéry), Can co-optation be replicated in contact? English final discourse particles in New Englishes
12 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Alessandro Basile (Uni. Sorbonne Nouvelle), What a “pan-stratist” model tells us about modality in contact: A case study from Singapore English
3:00 Cameron Morin (ENS Lyon), Double modal constructions in Australian and New Zealand English: A computational sociolinguistic survey.
4:00 Marc-Philippe Brunet (Uni. Savoie Mont Blanc), Investigating the social meaning of language variation in the US South: Epistemological elements of sociolinguistic research
5:00 Discussion and conclusion