Agenda séminaires, CL, et soutenances de thèses et HDR

Voici le calendrier des CL & séminaires du laboratoire :

Calendrier  CL Calendrier Café Epsylon

5 septembre Auditorium St Charles 2 : AG élective
20 septembre : CL
18 octobre : CL
22 novembre : CL
20 décembre : CL
17 janvier : Auditorium St Charles 2 AG + CL
21 février : CL
21 mars : CL
18 avril : CL
23 mai : CL
20 juin : CL
11 juillet : Auditorium St Charles 2 AG + CL






Début novembre
Séminaire Transvers. 1
Début février
Séminaire Transvers. 2
Début mai
Séminaire Transvers. 3
(D’autres séminaires seront
organisés par les responsables d’axe
afin de réaliser le bilan de l’unité)


Soutenance HDR de Pom Charras le 5 juillet à 15h (salle à déterminer)

Direction : André Tricot

TITRE : Espace et temps dans la cognition humaine : de l'attention à la perception


Le vendredi 5 juillet 2024, deux collègues, Shai GABAY & Yafit GABAY, de l Université d Haifa en Israel viendront à 11h au labo pour présenter leurs travaux.


Shai Gabay

The Institute of Information Processing and Decision Making, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel


 Human cognition has an evolutionary origin. Accordingly, older evolutionary neural structures may still play a role in cognitive processes that are considered uniquely human. Nevertheless, the current research in psychology and cognitive sciences focuses largely on the involvement of cortical regions in cognition – neglecting the potentially rich influence and function of more ancient subcortical structures. In this talk, studies on the evolutionary basis of social attentional allocation and prosociality will be presented. We argue that subcortical components still remain an essential part of these processes. To substantiate these claims, we provide evidence from a phylogenetic model species of complex cognitive processes - the Archerfish. We took advantage of the archerfish's natural ability to shoot down insects above the water level by training fish them to shoot at targets presented on a computer screen. The findings suggest an early evolutionary origin for these social faculties.

Keywords: Archerfish, Prosocial behavior, Subcortical structures.






 Yafit Gabay

 Department of Special Education and the Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center for the Study of Learning Disabilities, University of Haifa, Israel


Despite decades of research there is still much debate about the underlying biological and cognitive causes of developmental dyslexia. Although dyslexia has traditionally been associated with phonological deficits (i.e., in the use of speech building blocks like [b] vs. [p] in bat vs. pat), there is growing evidence of more general procedural learning difficulties. It is not yet known how procedural learning deficits might relate to phonological deficits. However, the neural learning systems thought to contribute to procedural learning have diverse nonmotor roles, including involvement in acquiring perceptual categories. Intriguingly, perceptual category learning is highly significant in the development of robust speech representations to support phonological processing. Phonetic category acquisition represents a procedural perceptual category learning challenge, as the characteristics of the speech signal (multidimensional, highly variable, and rapidly conveyed) make it difficult to acquire explicit knowledge about the crucial acoustic dimensions that define speech categories. In this talk I will describe a series of studies examining perceptual category learning mechanisms in individuals with dyslexia. Specifically, I will present data showing that  procedural perceptual category learning is selectively disrupted in dyslexia, while declarative based perceptual category learning is spared compared to a neurotypical group. I will display data based on computational modelling showing reduced use and a slower shift to procedural based strategies in dyslexia, with declarative use comparable to neurotypicals. While phonological processing impairments have been emphasized as the cause of dyslexia, the current approach suggests that learning perceptual representations through procedural learning is impaired in dyslexia and could contribute to phonological deficits, with consequent negative effects on language acquisition and reading. 

Keywords: Developmental dyslexia, auditory category learning, implicit cognition, multiple memory systems, procedural learning deficit


Soutenance de thèse d'Alexandre de Connor le 9 juillet 2024 à 14h (salle à déterminer)

Direction : Stéphane Raffard

TITRE : Accommodation familiale : Déterminants cliniques et psychopathologiques dans le TOC